10 February 2011

February Daydreams

February is a tough month.  Spring is still way off, but I can't help but look for it.  I want to be outside, but I can't.  I have tons of things I could and should be doing inside, but I don't want to. 

February is my daydreaming month.  Despite needing to plan meals, or do dishes, or fold clothes, I sit and dream.  I sketch yet another idea for my someday house.  I think I've drawn up dozens of house plans through the years.  We probably won't ever actually build it, but I like to imagine it and draw it, yet again. 

I plan my someday garden when I should be planning out my now garden.  It's so small though, it won't take much time to figure out.  I dream about my future homestead.  Where I'll put the chickens, plant the apple trees, put the herbs and hang the hammock. 

I get antsy to get on with it, even though I know we are here for the next few years.  Patience now so I can get my dreams later. (repeat over and over...)  In years past, I got through this time by planting seeds and watching them grow a little everyday in the window sill.  Here, however, I don't have good windows to do that, so I'm trying to do a little winter sowing outside.  I'm excited about that, but it's out there, in the cold.  I can't peek at them while in my bare feet, sipping hot chocolate.

There are things I can work on here and now.  I should make a list, but I already have several lists going on and I have just ignored them.  Maybe by writing it here, I'll pay more attention to it.

I need to make the meatloaf for tonight, and remember to cook the asparagus that is sitting in the fridge. 

I need to plant a few more seeds and check on the ones I already planted.

I have several sewing projects that I want to work on, but I don't quite have the inspiration yet.  I want to sew an apron, more wool slippers and an Easter dress for the dancing queen.

I want to get out my wool spinning stuff and work on that a bit, but I also need to come up with an idea of what to make out of it as a gift for my sister who gave me all the stuff.  (don't say socks...)  I feel kind of silly working on something with no finished product in mind.

I need to do some mending.

And apparently, I need to put together the lego Ironman control center...


  1. It is so hard to get fired up about anything in February. They say tonight and tomorrow will be our coldest nights, then it is SUPPOSED to warm up. We'll see. I just want it to end. Need to see the grass, and the dirt.......digging in the dirt would be so wonderful for my mood about now.

  2. I have days like that too, but then I have a day now and then where I run over everyone with all the tasks I'm trying to get done.If only I had more of those kind of days.Chalk it up to being a woman. Our bodies have us behaving in all sorts of weird ways.Hang in there. It has to get better with sunshine and warmer weather.

  3. It all will happen some day, then maybe when you are up to your eyeballs in produce to preserve, and hens running wild, you'll wish for a February day. :-)
    You do know that after the first thousand or so times that you clean the toilet, wash the clothes and cook supper.... it just isn't the fun it was at first! So enjoy your day dreams!

  4. I think is great that your sketching your someday house all the time. I really believe thats how things happen. You'll make it happen that way :)

    I too have a few projects going, but just haven't been in the mood to complete them. Maybe its this long winter?

  5. Getting motivated during these gray, cold February days is nothing short of a miracle.

    Maybe getting out of the house might give you a kick start...
