
Gardening has become kind of an addiction for me.  It is difficult, however, because I garden at a high altitude in a cold area.  I have found that there aren't many resources specifically for my situation.  Hopefully my experiments and failures will help others.  My goal is to grow -almost- everything we eat.  There are just some things I will never be able to grow, and I have to deal with that, but if there is a way, I want to find it.

We recently moved for my husband to finish his degree, and while the zone maps say that I'm still in the same climate zone, it feels warmer here.  While here, I won't be able to do quite so much in the garden, but I do have a small area tilled and I plan to try some container garden experiments.

Garden posts:
Spring flowers
Garden tour
First Harvest
Watching the garden grow
Happy Harvesting
Bum lambs and zucchini
I have garden envy
Garden plans 2011
A gardening day!