22 April 2011

Earth Day gardening

Good posture is important.  I slouch too much and when I slouch, this pouch of flab on my middle looks really unattractive, so I am trying hard to remember to sit up straight and stand up straight.  I think it's making a difference because my back is now complaining.  Apparently, I haven't used these muscles in a while.  Or maybe I just slept funny in my mom's spare bed the other night.

I took the opportunity to use my niece as an excuse to make a trip to see my mom and steal some dirt.  My niece was performing in a dance recital, which she did very well at.  At that stage in my life, I could barely walk without falling over my own feet.  The final number was from Mary Poppins - the chimney sweeps on the roof and she was Mary Poppins.  Fun stuff... anyway...  I decided it was too dark and stormy for me to head right home.  Instead, I drove in the other direction to my mom's house where we crashed for the night.  The next morning, I shoveled up a few bags of my very own compost- maybe that's why my back is complaining?-, chatted a bit and then headed back to my house.  The little man had to get back to school.  We ended up being late anyway... the best laid plans...
Now my one garden bed is almost full with dirt.  I'm getting there... slowly.  The husband wants to get a second bed put together and then share my ranch dirt between them, which is a good idea if we ever get that second bed put together.  If it doesn't happen soon, I'm just going to start planting things.  The weather is supposed to finally warm up this next week and I want to get going.  We picked up a free tomato and strawberry plant today, just for going into the store.  I hadn't planned on doing strawberries this year, but I'm certainly not going to turn down a free one.  Now I just have to figure out where to put it.  In a pot?  In the planters?  Still debating that one.  What do you think?  I noticed that the tomato actually has two plants in the pot.  Hopefully I can get them separated without too much difficulty and I'll have two plants for the price of...none!
We did get some things planted for earth day.  The little man picked carrots and the dancing queen picked radishes.  We also planted turnips, beets and peas.  The baby mostly ate dirt and chewed on sticks.  Hopefully, tomorrow I can get more salad stuff planted.  I'm excited to see some green in that dirt!


  1. Yea! Its coming along! Now we just need the weather to stay spring :)

  2. So glad you are able to move forward with {some} of your garden. It's still too cold here to even think about it. Maybe next week... :)

  3. Teekaroo,your Square Foot Gardening project is lookin'good.Did you know you can break off a sucker from your tomato plant, and make new plants from that one? I'm assuming you know that a sucker is a new plant that grows just above where the tomato leaf joins to the stem of the mother tomato.As soon as the plant forms suckers, snap them off at the joint and put the sucker in water till it forms roots.Sometimes it will keep right on growing when put directly into the soil.Geraniums will do that,too.It's an inexpensive way to get more plants from the one.Keep posting on your progress. I enjoy helping out when I can. Don't forget to try the chives. They come in handy when you need a little onion flavor in something,and you don't have green onions handy.

  4. Sawn, you did tell me that about the tomatoes, and I intend to try it when I get a fancy heirloom tomato (hopefully) when the farmers market starts up in May. I keep meaning to steal a few of my mom's chives when I'm there, but I forget every time. I may have to buy some.
    Nancy, it's still a bit cold, but the turnips and beets can take it. For now, I'm running my little plants in and out until night time temperatures come up a bit.

  5. Maybe next year, after you share you garden produce with your landlady,she may give you permission to have a small hot house made from a window pane and another wooden box. That would be nice.

  6. Hi- visiting from Sue's blog.
    We planted strawberries in a metal watering trough.

  7. Thanks Terry. I'm kind of leaning toward a container myself, then I can take them with me when we move. :)
