We got a bit of a frost this last week. The squash are a bit down about it, although you can see a bit of pumpkin peeking out, already turning orange. Amazingly, the corn is unaffected. I keep finding big zucchinis because my mom doesn't like to look too far among the spiny leaves. We've had zucchini casserole, stuffed, fried, pasta, steamed, sauteed, even in tacos. I still want to try a recipe I found for zucchini parmesan. I'm not sick of it yet. The stuffed zucchini was surprisingly good.
It rained during the night last night and most of the day today. We don't often get a rainstorm that sticks around like that. We usually have quick mountain squalls, so it was kind of nice to have some rain actually penetrate the ground. It felt like a lovely day to sit inside and get things done. Then I heard a sheep bleating outside in the yard. Lovely, the lambs escaped, so I head out into the rain to get them back in. They had been breaking out of their pen and visiting the neighbors, so I moved them to greener pastures yesterday. Problem is, they consider the other pasture home and will do anything to get there. A rattle of pellets convinced them to reconsider though.
Dang soggy lambs, crowding around my legs, like three enormous sponges. I am still missing one and I suspect he's in the neighbors property. They don't graze it at all, so it's like a wonderland for lambs. I tried little Bo Peep's philosophy, but he hasn't come home, even though I left him alone. The time has come for them to be turned out with the herd. My kids raised them because they were orphaned, but now they're big and fat and pretty independent. They don't even like the beet greens I gave them... ungrateful little balls of wool. I tell them there are goats that would be grateful for what I give them, but they just step on my feet with their pointy toes and wait for me to give them a treat.